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Facade Retention.
Facade retention schemes are becoming increasingly popular as a way of providing modernised accommodation for industrial and other type constructions whilst preserving the external features.
City Demolition has developed specialist expertise in this type of demolition to adapt to the changing needs of our clients. This service can typically include façade retention or removal, temporary weather proofing, and underpinning of structures. All temporary works required to safely perform this specialist service will be designed by a specialist structural engineer.
We are familiar working in conjunction with architects and archaeologists on façade schemes with historical relevance and consider this when producing our risk assessments and method statements. Consideration is also given to location as project experience in façade retention concludes that this type of scheme can typically be in a city centre location.
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We have developed our capabilities to provide façade retention and temporary propping services within all demolition contract packages.
– City Demolition, Managing Director